Section: Dissemination

Conference participation

Members of the project-team have delivered lectures in the following seminars, workshops and international conferences:

  • D. Benoit, International Workshop on Numerical Methods for Non-Newtonian Flows, Blois (France), March 2012,

  • D. Benoit, Congrès CANUM 2012, Superbesse (France), May 2012,

  • D. Benoit, Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM) conference 2012, Singapour (Singapour), October 2012

  • D. Benoit, Colloque Modélisation numérique des mélanges grains-fluides, Montpellier (France), October 2012

  • I. Dabo, Workshop on Corrective Approaches to DFT for Strongly-correlated Systems, CECAM, EPFL, Lausanne, June 2012

  • I. Dabo, Young Engineers and Scientists Symposium, University of California, Berkeley, March 2012

  • I. Dabo, CECAM Meeting on Electron Correlation, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, December 2012

  • I. Dabo, Energy from the Sun: Computational Chemists and Physicists Take Up the Challenge, CECAM Conference, Cagliari, September 2012

  • I. Dabo, PRACE F2F Workshop, CEA Saclay, June 2012

  • I. Dabo, 2nd TYC Energy Materials Workshop, Thomas Young Centre, King's College, London, June 2012

  • I. Dabo, American Physical Society Meeting, Boston, March 2012

  • E. Cancès, Mathematics meets Chemistry workshop, Erlangen, Germany, March 2012,

  • E. Cancès, AIMS 2012, Orlando, USA, July 2012,

  • E. Cancès, ICMP 2012, Aalborg, Denmark, August 2012,

  • E. Cancès, IPAM workshop, Los Angeles, USA, October 2012

  • E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the mathematics department, Université d'Orsay, January 2012,

  • E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the mathematics department, Berkeley University, USA, January 2012,

  • E. Cancès, working group on numerical methods, Université Paris 6, January 2012,

  • E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the mathematics department, ENSTA, March 2012,

  • E. Cancès, K. Burke's group meeting, chemistry department, Irvine University, USA, October 2012,

  • E. Cancès, NAS group meeting, physics department, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, November 2012,

  • V. Ehrlacher, SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Raleigh, USA, April 2012.

  • V. Ehrlacher, workshop on Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Electronic Structure Models, Beijing, China, June 2012.

  • V. Ehrlacher, 9th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems,Differential Equations and Applications, Orlando, USA, July 2012.

  • V. Ehrlacher, Séminaire d'Analyse numérique - Equations aux dérivées partielles du Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Lille, France, Mars 2012.

  • V. Ehrlacher, Groupe de travail EDP et analyse numérique LAMA-CERMICS, Marne-la-Vallée, France, May 2012.

  • V. Ehrlacher, Séminaire des thésards du laboratoire AGM, Cergy, France, May 2012.

  • V. Ehrlacher, IPAM MD2012 Seminar Series, Los Angeles, USA, September 2012.

  • V. Ehrlacher, Applied Mathematics/PDE Seminars of University of California of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, USA, November 2012.

  • V. Ehrlacher, IPAM Workshop IV: Computational Methods for Multiscale Modeling of Materials Defects, Los Angeles, USA, December 2012.

  • S. Lahbabi, Weekly seminar of the mathematics department, University of Cergy Pontoise, November 2012,

  • C. Le Bris, plenary lecture, 60-th annual SIAM meeting, July 2012, Minneapolis, USA.

  • C. Le Bris, Workshop Inhomogeneous Random Systems IRS2012, Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris), January 2012.

  • C. Le Bris, International conference on PDEs, Shanghai, June 2012

  • C. Le Bris, ICMS workshop Edinburgh, June 2012.

  • C. Le Bris, ACMAC workshop on Image and waves in complex media, June 2012, Heraklion, Crete.

  • C. Le Bris, Journées MMCS, Université de Lyon, September 2012.

  • C. Le Bris, keynote lecturer, 2012 Woudschoten Conference, October, 2012, Zeist, The Netherlands.

  • C. Le Bris, IPAM program on " Materials Defects: Mathematics, Computation, and Engineering", December 2012.

  • C. Le Bris, Mathematics Seminar, Freie Universität Berlin, May 2012.

  • C. Le Bris, Scientific and statistical computing seminar University of Chicago, October 2012.

  • F. Legoll, workshop on “Mathematical theory and computational methods for multiscale problems”, Singapore, January 2012,

  • F. Legoll, American Physical Society meeting, Boston, February 2012,

  • F. Legoll, Workshop “Mathematics meets Chemistry and Physics”, Erlangen, March 2012,

  • F. Legoll, CECAM workshop on “Free energy calculations: From theory to applications”, Paris, June 2012,

  • F. Legoll, AIMS conference, Orlando, July 2012,

  • F. Legoll, WCCM conference, Sao Paulo, July 2012,

  • F. Legoll, ECCOMAS conference, Wien, September 2012,

  • F. Legoll, NumDiff 13 Conference, Halle, September 2012,

  • F. Legoll, 22nd Int. Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Baltimore, September 2012,

  • F. Legoll, Kickoff meeting of the “Laboratoire International Associé Nancy/UIUC”, Nancy, November 2012,

  • F. Legoll, Workshop on “Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics”, Banff, November 2012,

  • F. Legoll, séminaire du groupe de travail Homogénéisation et Echelles Multiples, Paris 6, November 2012,

  • F. Legoll, Workshop on “Computational Methods for Multiscale Modeling of Materials Defects”, IPAM Los Angeles, December 2012,

  • F. Legoll, Lake Arrowhead culminating workshop, IPAM Los Angeles, December 2012,

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop on Multiscale Modeling, Simulation, Analysis and Application, Singapore, January 2012.

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop on Interplay of Analysis and Probability in Physics, Oberwolfach, January 2012.

  • T.Lelièvre, Séminaire de mathématiques, Université de Marne-la-Vallée, January 2012.

  • T. Lelièvre, Séminaire du MAPMO, Orléans, February 2012.

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop BEMOD12 “Beyond Molecular Dynamics: Long Time Atomic-Scale Simulations”, MPIPKS, Dresden, March 2012.

  • T. Lelièvre, Analysis seminar, MPI Leipzig, April 2012.

  • T. Lelièvre, Arbeitsbereich Numerik Mathematisches Institut seminar, Uni Tuebingen, May 2012.

  • T. Lelièvre, plenary speaker at the CANUM conference, Superbesse, May 2012.

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop “Computation of transition trajectories and rare events in non-equilibrium systems”, ENS Lyon, June 2012.

  • T. Lelièvre, Journées ERGONUM “Analyse probabiliste des systèmes en temps long”, Inria Sophia-Antipolis, June 2012.

  • T. Lelièvre, AIMS conference, Orlando, July 2012.

  • T. Lelièvre, plenary speaker at the EVOLVE 2012 conference, Mexico, August 2012.

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop “Modelling the Dynamics of Complex Molecular Systems”, Lorentz Center, Leiden, August 2012.

  • T. Lelièvre, Tutorial "Materials Defects", IPAM, Los Angeles, September 2012,

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop "Quantum and Atomistic Modeling of Materials Defects", IPAM, Los Angeles, October 2012,

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop “Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Mathematical Understanding and numerical Simulation” BIRS, Banff, Canada, November 2012.

  • F. Nier: Séminaire Univ. Nantes, January 2012.

  • F. Nier: Invitation for one week in TU-Universität Braunschweig (Germany) February 2012

  • F. Nier: Séminaire Univ. Bordeaux, March 2012.

  • F. Nier: Analytic torsion and its applications, Conference organized by J.M. Bismut and W. Müller, Univ. Paris 11, June 2012.

  • F. Nier: Invitation for three weeks in WIAS-Berlin (Germany), September 2012

  • F. Nier: Workshop "Mathematics for Semiconductor Heterostructures: Modeling, Analysis, and Numerics", WIAS-Berlin (Germany), organized by K. Gaertner, A. Glitzky, H.C. Kaiser, and F. Nier, September 2012.

  • F. Nier: Lectures on Semi-classical analysis, organized by S. Fujiie and T. Watanabe, Ritsumeikan University (Japan), October 2012.

  • F. Nier: "Workshop on Spectral Analysis, Stability and Bifurcations in Modern Nonlinear Physical Systems", organized by O. Kirillov and Y. Fukumoto, BIRS Banff (Canada), November 2012.

  • F. Nier: Séminaire de Probabilités, Univ. Rennes 1 (France), November 2012.

  • F. Nier: Paris-London seminar, Inst. Henri Poincaré, Paris (FRANCE), December 2012

  • M. Rousset, CECAM Workshop “Free energy calculations: From theory to applications”, Marne-la-Vallée, June 2012,

  • M. Rousset, Workshop “Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Electronic Structure Models”, Beijing, China, June 2012,

  • M. Rousset, Evolve Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, August 2012.

  • M. Rousset, BIRS Workshop “Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Mathematical Understanding and numerical Simulation”, Banff, Canada, November 2012.

  • G. Stoltz, Workshop "Quantum and Atomistic Modeling of Materials Defects", IPAM, Los Angeles, October 2012,

  • G. Stoltz, Workshop “Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Electronic Structure Models”, Beijing, China, June 2012,

  • G. Stoltz, CECAM workshop “Free energy calculations: From theory to applications”, Marne-la-Vallée, June 2012,

  • G. Stoltz, seminar at Collège de France, June 2012,

  • G. Stoltz, seminar at University of Edinburgh, February 2012,

In addition to the above, some members of the team have been invited for stays in institutions abroad:

  • E. Cancès, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, April 2012.

  • E. Cancès, IPAM-UCLA, Los Angeles, USA, October 2012,

  • F. Legoll, IPAM UCLA (program on “Materials Defects: Mathematics, Computation, and Engineering”), Los Angeles, USA, December, 2012.

  • F. Nier: Invitation for one week in Tokyo Universtity (Japan), November, 2012.

Members of the project-team have delivered the following series of lectures:

  • E. Cancès, Lectures (6h) on spectral theory for electronic structure modeling, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, April 2012,

  • E. Cancès, Lectures (2h) on numerical methods for Density Functional Theory, Ecole des Houches, June 2012,

  • C. Le Bris, Lectures on Stochastic homogenization, Series of 90-minute lectures, Summer course on homogenization, Chicago, June 18-29, 2012.

  • C. Le Bris, Graduate course, 'Mathematical introduction to complex fluids modeling', The University of Chicago, 24 hours, October-November 2012.

  • F. Nier, Lectures for phD students and researchers about "Semiclassical analysis and mean field dynamics", held in CERMICS-ENPC, 5x2 hours, April-May 2012.

Members of the project-team have presented posters in the following events:

  • V. Ehrlacher, IPAM Workshop I: Quantum and Atomistic Modeling of Materials Defects, Los Angeles, USA, October 2012.

  • W. Minvielle, IPAM Workshop IV: Quantum and Atomistic Modeling of Materials Defects, Los Angeles, USA, December 2012.

Members of the project-team have participated (without giving talks nor presenting posters) in the following seminars, workshops and international conferences:

  • V. Ehrlacher, IPAM Materials Defects: Tutorials, Los Angeles, USA, September 2012.

  • V. Ehrlacher, IPAM Workshop II: Atomistic and Mesoscale Modeling of Materials Defects, Los Angeles, USA, September 2012.

  • V. Ehrlacher, IPAM Workshop III: Mesoscale and Continuum Scale Modeling of Materials Defects, Los Angeles, USA, September 2012.

  • S. Lahbabi, 4th meeting of the GDR quantum dynamics, Toulouse, France, February 2012

  • S. Lahbabi, Spectral days 212, Munich, Germany, April 2012

  • S. Lahbabi, Summer school: Ab inition simulations in condensed matter, Les Houches, France, June 2012

  • W. Minvielle, Summer school on “Recent advances in the Theory of Homogenization”, Chicago, June 2012,